What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

Feel free to leave a comment!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Tired Time and Again

Yes yes, I know I know, I shouldn't whinge; I'm not the only one.

But honestly, I don't want to get out of bed anymore~ Anyway, visual update on last time that I never posted because I was panicking somewhat:

Ichigo and Morte

And of course:

Morte's baaaack

And Xion seems to be playing "Kiseki no Umi" (Sea of Miracles) and "Phi wa Infinity" (you guys know it) a lot lately. Is he trying to say something? >___> 'cause no I am not depressed -o-;

1 comment:

Serena said...

Brother? ToT

I'm kinda confused about which one is Kaito, Morte and Xion now. All I remember is Kaito is the blue one. Is the bunny ears one Xion or Mary's?