What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

Feel free to leave a comment!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Cute Much?

While studying for the exams... I decided I need a new haircut/fringe cut...

So, fishing out an old website of korean/jap hair styles someone gave me before, I started browsing for fringes that'll suit me. When I noticed a trend....
Exhibit A

What do all these women have in common?

They're trying to look cute that's what!!

Now browsing through I noticed the qualities to produce these "cute" looks.


The How to look cute guide:
1. Look UP at the camera. Tilt the camera so that it is looking down at you.
2. Open your eyes REALLY wide. Following on from step 1 this should add extra dimension to your eyes.
3. Possibly tilting your head to one side
4. Have a massive fringe just above your eyes. If they are over your eyes that is also fine, creates a submissive shy look like your hiding behind your own hair.
5. Put on a small shy smile

So what's my point?

Actually I have no point, just procrastinating from studying. But don't you feel society hasn't really advanced from it's 'bound feet' days or submissive women stage? Don't all of these qualities that these photos share suggest a : I'm just a pretty, helpless, Bambi, I mean woman, and I look up to you oh great towering man, but I am also shy from all the attention! Oh please rescue me from distress... T_T

Hmm so why exactly is big headedness so attractively cute? Looks like a caricature to me. Hmm maybe that's it.. when women are made a joke of they look better =\

Lol feminist.

I present you:
Exhibit B

So what do these two say?
1. I am dominating FEAR me!
2. Just not interested in yooh
3. I am powerful!

Cute? I think not.

So there you have it step by step guide to looking cute on camera... Go ahead try it out, I'm sure you'll get oogles of attention, even if it's just from the camera.

Oh but don't over do the tilting head thing or else you'll end up with something like this:

<3 M

Disclaimer: I do not claim, to not have, somewhere down the line, done a cute shot (can't think of any atm though but just in case someone fires me with photos) and neither am I trying to mock anyone who does (in case some friend sees this and feel deeply hurt that I may regard them this way >.>) I'm merely poking fun at jap/korean models who take it a bit far. No seriously this website is FULL of them... didn't even have to go several pages before I found all these photos.

Lol I really should stop procrastinating... argh Chem is driving me crazy. Thought I'll do a light fun post to keep my mind off it ><


Serena said...

The Korean and Jap women in those photos follow the "ulzzang" trend. It means "best face" and counts of certain lighting and camera angles to make eyes bigger, wider awake and hence cuter in an attempt to be more anime like. I confess to have done this on one occasion as part of ABB's challenges.

Another thing they all have in common? Universally flattering hair (curls), circle lenses (gross, and kills your sight), and have defined cheekbones to look more doll-like. Oh and don't forget the pale skin. First picture of Exhibit B looks sexy imo, where everyone else in A looks like photocopies of each other.

I prefer personality.

ButterflyCoffin said...


*washes mouth out with soap* <---just typo'd 'soup', lol, I think I'm hungry.

I can rant on an hour or so about feminist theory, the normalising panoptic gaze and such, but I'll just say that society is defined in terms of the male, and hence females will always be on the bottom =)