What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

Feel free to leave a comment!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Academic vs. Social Life

So, what do you think?

Which do you value more? Your marks or your friends? Would you rather rush to a lecture or sit outside it laughing with someone you knew for a few minutes first?
Would you rather stay at home for a whole day and study for your upcoming exam or go out for a cup of coffee for some bonding?

I think I've worked out which one makes me happier. Since I fail at academics anyway, I might as well try to make friends in uni. Both a drive for knowledge, and a drive for love are very natural for humans. But if you have to learn something in a certain amount of time, with a certain amount of understanding for a certain examination, then things get pear-shaped. The pressure is on, and we no longer care about enjoying the learning process. Well, it's the same for subjects we don't actually want to know about as well, of course, but that's another story.
But to make friends is not compulsory, it's just something that's supposed to brighten your life at uni and help you along.
A human's natural state is not alone.
I look towards the future and I wonder what this exam will give me if I pass it.
Not much.
And I wonder about the value of a good friend.
In weeks 1-5 of this semester, I tried too hard to do both, and I failed miserably.
And I was unhappy.
I then shifted all of my attention towards the social aspect of university. That was when I started being late, skipping the first half of lectures, talk rather than listen, etc. I invited people into my lectures just to chat, I'd sit outside the lecture theatre for 15 minutes saying goodbye, miss my bus to CoFA, spend my lab time chatting and comparing wallpapers.
And I discovered that it made me happier than I ever was at uni.
So my commitments are a bit off, but if it makes me a happier person, is it wrong?
So I enjoy chatting and going off for noodles. Or abusing free wi-fi at the library sprawled between bookshelves.
Or going out for ice cream at 5pm for the sake of it. Race a unicycle? Brave a rainstorm together because you both forgot your umbrellas? Stay up till 4am chatting on msn because someone's still online?

I guess you're like that when you enjoy something huh?

It's fun it's fun.


Serena said...

I can do both, apparently, because I don't have as many hours as say, someone like M and all those USYD people. I don't know how many hours you have, but I'm guessing something like 15 if you say you can't balance social life and uni life.

You really can do both. Start saying goodbye 15mins before the lecture starts, so then by the time you finish, you won't be late.

I don't know. Time flies when you're enjoying yourself, but then your marks suffer accordingly. I still go out and have fun once in awhile, my social life isn't as dead as I thought.

Midori said...

argh i have no uni life...

No life for that matter.

26hrs every 2 weeks and 21hrs every other week here i come!!!

WHY WHY is eveyrone having so much fun...

*cries because she's gonna fail bio AND maths AND has no social life.

Serena said...

Mate, you so have a social life.


ButterflyCoffin said...

@S: Congrats, I believe I had 17 or so, and then there's the stupid travel time between CoFA and Kensington which was quite a pain.
Also, being late to a lecture is one of the fun parts.
Marks don't matter, I just care if I pass =D

@M: I'm afraid I will have to be depressing and remind you that this is your choice in life, and the amount of effort you put into whichever is most important to you is for you to decide.
You could be like my mum though, sit at home, keep doing hw and assignments...never have her phone on, never go online for communication... And in her free time she watches anime.
Now that's what I call no social life.
She also whinges about getting a credit instead of a distinction. *sigh*
But I think that you can't do anything well unless you put your heart to it...so put your heart to something.