What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

Feel free to leave a comment!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Quickie Update

So the so-called okay looking, wealthy family, hard working, fobby Uni student got his Australian citizenship. Oh wait, I'm not supposed to talk about that. He's been friendlier to me now.

I just watched a documentary on SBS about ancient beauty and links to thermal treatment. Water temperature is indeed facinating. But the whole documentary brought me back to Sefton where we learnt about Pompeii and ancient Roman civilisation in general. Remember, Reila, Kebu and Anna? They had a lot on the public baths but concerned with an emperor's daughter and her luxuries. She makes me jealous.

Can you picture it too? Ancient hot water, and all the rooms with different temperatures? The steam that heated it all? Olive oil scraped off the body to clean it?

I'm so jealous T_T

I want a freaking bath with rose hip oil right now.

Arrrrrghhhhh!!! I'm so frustrated that the ancient Romans had more beautiful skin and pleasures that we do now! And we thought evolution and technological determinism was supposed to make life better.

They, the women, had baby smooth skin...

And they died of lead poisoning or dementia.

But still, smoooottthhh skkkkiiinnnn. They also believed in pale skin, so hah, the Asians have got something right!

Do I speak of nothing but beauty? Why, beauty is so glorious and inspiring! Helen had city states at her feet.

Right now, I just want some rose hip oil. That's going to cost me $10 a bottle...


` S

EDIT: Oh yeah, I seem to be well connected with people in my industry. I got offered an internship at Hurstville (ugh) for a travel agency, but my connection said she'll try get me in media production at TVBJ or something o_O


That's extreme.

My cousin's cousin Lilian used to work at...was it Johnson and Johnson's? It's a well known advertising/marketing agency that was listed in one of my unit outlines. Maaaannn. And my aunt is a HK McDonalds advertiser >:



Anonymous said...

They have those korean steam rooms down at the city. I read it once in the SMH... they have you soak in those hot springs like rooms and steam your sweat away. Then they have people scraping the dirt off you and rubbing milk and honey stuff on your body. The only downside to that is being fully naked =__=

I miss Pompeii ... lol XD
My skin got really better but there are still acne scars. I'm starting to doubt that Bio-oil works

ButterflyCoffin said...

My skin's hideous! =D

PS: Technological Dystopia?

Serena said...

OOOH. But...naked...

>_> The Romans were all naked too, had no shame. Bah.

Acne scarring is really hard to erase and I'm not sure you even can. The only way to get rid of them is to cover temporarily with foundation and concealer.

Anonymous said...

you can fade them, but it takes time. I've been sleeping really late over the past few months so blame myself. =(