What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

Feel free to leave a comment!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I love Fridays

Friday is definitely my lazy day. I get up at 11, shower, have breakfast, and probably start heading off to uni at around 1:30. I then attend a an interesting lecture on psychometrics and how Asian girls do better in maths exams if you remind them of their Asia-ness but not their sex/gender. Then it's two hours of kendo training! Fun fun.
And yesterday was no different. Well, at least not that different.

I started off the day at Lidcombe station where I met Clarice. She was handing in her assignment. It looked political :]

Then I arrived at Redfern Station to meet up with Phil. We were going to Provocator at Newtown to rdeem our "designer hats". They arrive on Monday...

While waiting for the train to MacDonaldtown, we were trying to disassemble Chenxi's shinai. We could NOT get the tsukagawa off, even with two people! It also looked kinda weird on platform 6. (Kebu just realised how boring this blog entry is...)

Doo doo doo~

Back at uni, Kelvin and Phil were playing with Kelvin's Wank-a-Ball. I still don't get all the hype around it. Maybe because I suck at it... So while Kelvin took off the tsukagawa off Chenxi's shinai and later showed Phil how to improve his wrist action, I downloaded notes from webct... <_<;;


Kendo was kinda fun yesterday. I think my do cuts are at least improving in terms of aim. I think I hit fewer ribs and hips this time 'round. Yay to disproving the non-existence of the plateau! Don't you hate it when you hit a plateau? I do...

Even though we had planned dinner the night before, it still took us a while to actually sit down and have dinner. We ate at Seoulria~~ Mmm~~ Korean~~ The food was pretty good and the price wasn't that bad. No, I did not take photos of it... -_- The bill came to $86 for the five of us. (Since Maowei led the 8 late-comers to Dae Jang Kum across the street)

If Friday means anything to me, it means tradition. and if tradition means anything to me, it means pigging out on ice-cream on Friday nights after kendo practice, undoing all of the hard work in trying to burn off that fat. So, as I have mentioned before, last night was no (well very little) different from any other Friday night. We, the small group who got to Seoulria on time, went t Passionflower. I had that chocolate orange waffle thing. Mm... Chocolate... The waffles were really nice and fresh. I hadn't had waffles in so long... It was really group, but I just wish I had seen the mousse under the waffle earlier... Icould really finish it, so as usual, somebody was there to help me finish it. When it comes to desserts, it's usually Phil, but since he was with Maowei, Derek took up the challenge. He finished one of my waffles before I had even eaten half of my remaining piece...

Passionflower was quite good last night. I mean, as a smaller group, we got an ACTUAL boothy-table thing, which was more intimate ;DD Topics discussed ranged from the American pornographic industry to... I forgot what. I only remember porn.



The other group had gone to K Square for, well, K. The others in the group I was in went home early to avoid curfew in one case (XD!!) and to get up early in the morning for training for the rest of them.

K wasn't so good... because I don't know those Chinese songs...

After K, I, in my new group went for MORE ICE-CREAM! The others in this group hadn't had their weekly fix of ice-cream yet, so we went to Café French Riviera. I only ordered an ice coffee, but I did still some of the Rainbow shared by Phil, Chenxi and Angela.


I hate ShittyRail.

My line was being repaired, so I had to get off at Lidcombe with Maowei. I called my dad up and made him stay up for half an hour so he could pick me up at 1am XD

I love my dad.

When I got home, I could FINALLY brush my teeth. And take a dump. And wash my face. And hang my wet towel from showering after training. And apply adapalene. And apply clindamycin. And finally go to bed at almost 2 am. I had to get up at 7:30 for work the next day...

So yeah, fun fun.

I love Fridays.



Midori said...

This entry was different coming from you XD

Sounds more like the type of entries i make XD

In which case i like it!

Kevin said...




Serena said...

Me too. It's a glimpse ito the mysterious world of Kebu :O