What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Text Only

You know, I think it's about time I posted what you guys might call a 'serious post' (not that I personally believe any of the previous posts weren't serious - of course).

A little ranting maybe; random thoughts that I'm too tired to draw out as of now; who knows what sort of excess overflows from my over-active mind.

Did you guys know? I cry really easily. If there's a little thing that might call for tears, however trivial, I'll cry. Well, it's not like I'm doing it on purpose for sympathy points, but I'm a naturally whiny, selfish little girl.

At first that fact horrified me. You can guess, I'm a bit too proud for something like that. But then we somehow compromised. I mean, I'm a girl right? (Right?) Girls cry heaps more than men, this is normal... - was my reasoning.

Actually, it's sort of a relief that I do cry at all. There was this time from around age twelve to whenever when I didn't. Ever.

Nowadays, I wonder how long must I bawl like a child until I make up for all those tears I never shed? And where is that little girl that I cry for, lost and alone, believing that her reason for being on this Earth was gone forever?

Do we older people know that each day, we kill hundreds of children? Each time we deny a child's innocent laughter, each new thing we learn that makes us choose wiser, each time we reassure ourselves that our indoctrination must override simple instincts.

We grow old, lose ourselves, die, disappear.
And again.
And again.
And again, until our physical selves are no longer there to continue the cycle.

I wish I lived as a child as a child, it's the natural way to advance. Rather than to learn to be one now.

Now, that was some trivia that you could've asked in confession time that you never asked.

There are other interesting facts as well of course. Such as the fact that I size up everyone I meet in their potential to be a good girlfriend/boyfriend.

Oops, did I just type that?


Midori said...

It's funny how we try to release our inner child now, when we have the time to be silly, and worked like adults when we were young in order to fit in to this world (economically).

Btw who wrote this? I can't tell =_= SIGN YOUR NAME!

` S

ButterflyCoffin said...

No way, the nerdy title and the fact that I'm a girl and the fact that I rarely post without images wasn't enough of a hint?

Midori said...

Well SORRY. I seriously can't tell here Dx
` S

Midori said...

This post needs to be edited! It's posted under my name!!