What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

Feel free to leave a comment!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Attractiveness Scale

Midori asked me where on my 'attractiveness scale' would I place N. I believe I have 2 scales, one for fantasy and nonexistent gentlemen and the other a more cynical, reasonable approach. But I am going to just merge my scales to give you an idea of what I expect.

Note that this is purely based on appearances and no matter how devastatingly charming the person seems, it should not affect their rank. And I have several people in each rank, just to give a general idea.

Serena's Attractiveness Scale

10s aka The Ultimate Eye Candy:
(Korean) boy band of the century, international heart throbs and just in their early 20s. I'm sure I don't need to say anymore because practically all of them are hot in their own way. Amazing a capella singers and great harmonic ability. Sigh~

Kim, Jeong-Hoon
I was turned off when I found out his English name was "John", but he's just too darn attractive here. Played Lee Yul in Goong/Princess Hours. Look how regal and smoking he looks in that uniform! I just adore Yul because he's just the right amount of attractiveness for me. Yul is the Prince Charming of my imagination.

Crawford, Chace
Finally, a Caucasian! He is way better looking than Chuck, M. Just look at him! He's got the blonde, sophisticated almost surfie look about him, like the male equivalent of a blonde bombshell. Played Nathaniel "Nate" Archibald in Gossip Girl. It's no wonder he's up here.

9s aka The Damn Hotties:

Cheng, Joseph "Joe"
I can't help but admire his voice. It's so soothing. And he laughs like a hyena. Aside from that, a real great looker who is bordering on becoming a 10. He's that close. Was Zhang Zhi Shu in It Started With a Kiss and it's sequel, They Kiss Again.

Westwick, Ed:
And now we reach the one M likes, but that's just personality based. He's a right old arsehole. Oh fine fine, he does look quite attractive, I'll admit. Although in this picture he looks more like an 8. Other celebrities like Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt goes here too.

Joo, Ji-Hoon
Played Yul's cousin and the Crown Prince in Goong. He's not as good looking as Yul in my opinion, but needless to say he is still quite a hottie. I was tempted to put him in 8 but he has a nice smile and voice too.

8s aka The Great Looking:

Jeong, Ji-Hoon (Rain/Bi)
Rain is actually not that great looking, but his damn fine abs got him up here. Would probably sit better in the 7s. Is it just me or do I check out Korean guys a lot? I don't know, he's a looker and all but I guess I'll be mean and say he has squinty eyes >:

7s aka The Attractive:

Wentz, Peter
Fall Out Boy's lead singer and Ashlee Simpson's fiance. Need I give a reason why he's here? I admit, I had a thing for Pete. I like the emo look and he pulls it off nicely...I bet it's the hair. It's always about the hair. And his hairstyle makes him.

6s aka The Considerable:

I'm way too lazy to look for a 6 celebrity right now so I am pretty much forced to resort to people I and you will actually know. Jin and to an extent M's boyfriend would slot in here nicely. 6 and downwards start to be more realistic. One of the 10s for me is like AS IF KEEP DREAMING HAHAHA.

5s aka The Decent:

Black, Jack
Loving the surname here. But seriously, even though he's on the fat side and all, he's got a certain charm in his face that I can't quite place. He's more than decent I think, and may even be conderable. He looks a bit rugged here because of the beard.

Cera, Michael
The actor of Superbad and Juno, with Ellen Page. He's decent, yeah? I mean he's dorky but he's not bad, right? If he was just a normal guy and not a celebrity!

This is where I place N. He's decent, not bad but not awfully great either. I think a lot of guys are either 3, 4 or 5s which is what I'll put as 'average'. He would even be a 4. He looks a bit like Michael Cera I suppose. Typical white American.

4s aka The Borderline Average Bloke:

It's getting difficult to find pictures because celebrities simply do not fall under this rank. This is just a hint to what my 4s are like. They can never achieve celebrity status unless they have a serious and professional makeover. T would go here, and if not, he'd be a 3.

1s aka The Un-lookable:

Now I have nothing against the physically impaired. Quasimodo makes up for his ugliness for his pureness and kindness, more than at least 70% of the world's population. But this is a shallow scale, and Quasimodo is at the bottom of the heap.

You know who else can go here? Michael Jackson. No offence.

Hope you enjoy. I can have very high expectations sometimes.

` S


Midori said...

Haha i agree to a certain extent on your list. For a start i only agree on SOME DBSK members being on this list, others belong on the female list.

However i would merge most of the 9s and 10s together. To me i heap attractive in one big group, 10, 9, 8. Average is no longer celebrity status at 7, 6 meaning an average(slightly above even) ordinary male. 5 being average. And anything below that is yuck.

PS celebrity wise everyone's on a whole new scale. That is i can't merge most of celebrities with normal males because then it'll go down to -10. or on a 20 scale where there's a large gap between 1st 10 and next 10.

PPS. You found an ugly picture of Joe Cheng!!! Danson fits in 9-10 too =D. Also joo ji hoon only looks good in SOME angles (he's like an 8). I am also amazed Jin and my boy are grouped in the same pile XD. Now i'm tempted to create a list.

<3 M.(Where's the female list =P)

ButterflyCoffin said...

Wow ladies, you're ranking men like they're playthings~

Let's not get ahead of ourselves now...

Serena said...

Lol this is why I have 2 scales. Merging them leave huge gaps in between 5-8.

If I made a female list, it would most likely be a scale from 1 to 100 -_-

Serena said...

Hey I only considered it after M told me to! >: