What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

Feel free to leave a comment!

Friday, April 11, 2008

F marks Failure

It's been a remarkable week for failure.

Saying them out several times over is a seemingly fruitless task as I try to make myself more comfortable with a 4/10 for biology quiz.. TWICE. Chances are a third time because I did NOT get that photosynthesis lecture this week....Then a 4/10 first go for psych quiz (luckily last go counts not first) Then I just got 7/10 for chemistry quiz. Which is not so great considering 7 was the average and the practically gave us identical questions to do right before...

I'm also a failure as a friend at giving advice, giving comfort, and failing miserably at trying to cheer people up.

Oh fail fail fail... Oh Kebu I have also failed at trying to find the Geisha photo... I thought I saved it but didn't...

I can't always be there when you need me dear, I'm not your rebound.
You had your chance.
Now I have someone else who cares more about me.


Midori said...

Ow~ Doing science seems horrible =(

But don't be so hard on yourself, everyone has to start off crawling.


Midori said...

Hell yeah you have someone else who cares about you more. ME ME ME. =)

` S