What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

Feel free to leave a comment!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hey There, Handsome

There is this Caucasian guy that comes to the shop almost everyday after lunch hour is over. He's pale, with dark hair and looks pretty cute for a 25 or so year old.

I should have known.

Today he asked me if we were Chinese, which I said yes, and where we were from, Hong Kong? In which I said no, Guangzhou.

Then he spoke to me in Cantonese and I laughed.

He's a halfie, mother is Shanghainese and grew up in Hong Kong.

I should have known.

EDIT: Oh my god. This was the most intense Gossip Girl episode ever. Chuck is more droolworthy than ever even with extra pale makeup and dark, menacing eyes. He looks exactly like the Edward Cullen I imagined, and even has a threatening note in his voice and crooked smile to prove it! Soooo hot...and I rarely ever get hyped over a guy!

Chuck: We talked about this. *angrily* You are not my girlfriend.

Blair: Because...I love you.

Chuck: Well that's too bad.

Blair: What are you doing here?

Celia: I want her to have that chance. Don't you?

Chuck: *in a letter* I'm sorry for everything. You deserve much better. Don't come looking for me. Chuck.

And we finally know what the big secret was with Lily. (Which I also started hunching, guessing and got sort of right!)

I shed tears about 3-4 times during this 40min episode -_- I'm such an over-emotional person, boo.


Midori said...

Omg i also came to blog about GG!!

Omg so intense.

Chuck <3

And i thought the same thing!! With the pale makeup and lack of sleep eyes i thought he looked like twilight guy!

I didn't cry >.> but i felt this pent up sadness and poor sorrowful Chuck....

When i saw him sit there on the bed waiting for Blair, it was so...... sad =( I would have cried!!

(Yes indeed i am downloading in China, my cousin has faster net, only takes less than 20min for each episode and he has virtually no limits on download so i downloaded GG! Must watch preview for next season!! ><)

Serena said...

Omg 20mins, holy cow T_T