What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

Feel free to leave a comment!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pho, Pork Knuckle, Guylian Chocolate, KFC.....

Last week was a good week =)

Mr N finally arrived on Monday and we all (minus a few people) went for Pho to "meet" him.

Me, D and Vvn and Ray went to watch Bruno first cuz we're cheap for cheap Tuesday tickets... but it ended being in Gmax so was $12 anyway.

I can't say I enjoyed it on a big big screen....

Oh I would like to announce that I got a job =)

Okay maybe not a great job but I am proud of myself cuz it works with my laziness. I mean my motivation to start small.... >.> It's as a homework helper at James An coaching college. I work 2 hours a week on Monday so get like $30 a week XD. I know horribly little pay, horribly little hours but oh so perfect for me cuz Mondays are my days off! (excluding a lecture that I now plan to skip >.>) and I've been searching for a research assistant job but to no avail =(. But hey this won't interfere with studying at all so it's all good =). Yays!

Went for the interview thingo on Tuesday just before movies/Pho but S was not as excited as I was T_T. Pfft whatever $30 extra a week yay!

Anyway no photos of the disturbing film...


MOST people were on time. We went to Pho Pasteur right after movie and N, S and marweechi was already there so I joined them and we ended up all chatting non-stop.

Presenting N in this blurry photo as he picks at his pho with chopsticks for what he feared would be tripe.

Those bits hanging off the edge are tripe he's picked out....

Other people!

More people!

Shu with a face mask on XDD?

Marweechi dying from.... brain freeze??

I had a really good time just catching up and exploring differences between America and Australia. Talking about fruits, pronunciation, prying through wallets, height etc and behold this:

A twinkie!

I realised AFTER I got it that I had eaten this before but marweechi prized it like a new born baby though I can NEVER imagine how that would be >.>

Gobbled it up already XDDD Marweechi have you eaten yours?

I have no photos of myself cuz my sister and brother said I looked like a cowboy and N said I looked like a flight attendant >.> It was for the job interview!

I go shopping quite frequently.... but rarely buy anything.... Saturday I set out to actually buy stuff... and came home with... just the right amount =)

Blew away like 1/3 of my week's earnings but it's okay XD. Was gonna take a photo of the mess on my floor but oh well XD

Bought: 2 dresses, a belt, 2 T shirts, 1 button down shirt, 1 pair of shoes, stockings oh wait that's it I think XD see it wasn't much!

I made up for my expenditure by spending the morning doing a heap of laundry -.-.

I was so excited by shopping, cuz I seriously haven't shopped besides on ebay or maybe 1 or 2 things randomly for so long, that I forgot to buy my sister's birthday present!


Wee my new floral dress, floral silk and sequin flat shoes and floral lace stockings. Oops I like floral okay >.>

My dad said my dress looked like the apron patterns that working little girls wear in the countryside in China T_T. My sister said my white stockings (without the black stockings under it) looked like my skin was dry and peeling... and well no one said anything bad about my shoes although I thought they were the most controversial... cuz I get shoes dirty easily and these are white! But my only pair of flats broke and I hate looking for flat shoes and these fitted perfectly without making my feet really really ugly!

Yum yum pork knuckle! Didn't take many photos cuz I thought the day belonged more to S's camera and we can wait for her to upload images =)

Me and D eat too much >.> We managed to finish the whole pork knuckle very cleanly =) unlike S and N >.>

D's big 1/2 litre of malt and something or another beer and er my... water >.> N had a whole litre of beer.... while S had 300ml and couldn't finish it XD Beer tastes gross! Bring on the vodka!

Afterwards we walked very slowly to Guylian cafe cuz of the massive amount of people at the Rocks for the Aroma festival. We tried this hand cream/wash thing and it made our hands smell like tiger balm >.> or rather spearmint I think it was. D promises to make me some cream cuz the expensive one they had wasn't worth it =)

We wandered into Guylian cafe and thought there was probably no seats for us but infact there was a really nice seat! Prob BEST seat there! The interior is really cosy but pretty. We went upstairs to sit which was so much more serene with no noisy children -.-

Opera house from our window! I scabbed the best seat with D cuz we're greedy XD

This photo is so pretty =) You can semi see the guys having a wonderful conversation by the looks of D's face >.>

Happy couple!

Drinks arrive! This was Serena's drink but it was bitter I didn't like the coffee =\

Creme Brulee with some bread or another.... Had a tiny bite of the creme brulee with berries didn't like it =\

The most awesome dessert ever. This is better than waffles at Max Brenner or all those Adriano Zumbo cakes.... 100% Pure Pleasure. Omg this was so awesome it wasn't overwelmingly sweet or bitter. So perfect!! but at almost $16 it burns a hole in the wallet.

Inside chocolate and panna cotta goodness

Are those GOLD Flakes??? I think I just increased my overall body value by a few $$!

My chocolate and banana drink that also cost a lot I think over $10 I think it was $15 =\ Max Brenner ones are better though!

I was so stuffed after this! I realise now how much we spent that day.. but my boy paid for a large portion of it =) I only spent about $50 all day XD

Doing long divisions on a napkin... This all started with me saying what if a kid asks me to do long division with decimal points at James An cuz I dunno how to anymore! We FAIL at maths... even my boy who I will now deem WAS good at maths could not divide T_T

The is the problem with calculators!! (please don't ever faze them out >.>)

In the bathroom of Guylian Cafe.

After looking at S's camera I realised they did not have enough happy couple photos so I forced them against the beautiful Australian sky to take photos of Darling Harbour from an unglamorous angle XD which made S very upset cuz she doesn't like taking photos XD (unless they're with me =P?) Notice severe height difference XD

Everyone say: Awwww

We stayed in Darling harbour a little more cuz I was plucking out the boy's white hair to throw into the ocean cuz I made up a legend that it will help him keep his full head of hair when he gets old XDDDDD

Went to star city after that where my boy won like $46 T_T and I won the $2 I put into the machine to play pokies... damn I am unlucky... With the money he got S a drink while N went to play poker and lost $100 -.- Here you can see the effects of alcohol on S's skin colour compared to mine in the Star City toilets XD I REALLY wanted to take a photo of the fishies in the cylindrical fish tank and the casino in all it's glory but everyone kept telling me not to incase they kicked us out T_T. There are so many asians at the poker machines seriously....

After losing the $100 we decided Star city wasn't up our alley (we spent the free $10 credit for poket machines already XD) and went to grab a quick bite as S wanted to go back to the hotel in time to watch Masterchef. We weren't really hungry after the massive meat, beer and dessert so chose a KFC snackbox.

Then hometime =(

Had so much fun guys =)

Sigh and now another week of work then back to uni! I dunno whether to say yay about that or not.... I've been sleeping too late for work so today had a bad headache all morning...

We've started to recruit new staff and this new chick omg she put chicken salt on salad... cracked me up XDD

Oh asian guy said he had a present for me for Friday for my last day.... hmmmm.... am I suppose to/allowed/should I accept whatever it may be??? Are there things I can/can not accept?? Or should I just not accept at all???

My boy seems to advocate me leading guys on cuz he says I should the present T_T. What if I have been mistaken and this is genuine friendly kindness and he gives me something nice and I say "sorry i have a bf" and he gives me a funny look cuz that wasn't his intention at all! How embarrassing would that be! Oh dilemma!

Oh welcome back Kebu!!

I missed you!

Love M.