What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday Games Day

Expand for pictures and the make-it-up-to-Kebu-who-missed-Games-Night Day.

B called me while I was getting dressed to announce she was here - an hour early. Well, I still had enough time to clean the house and my room up before picking everyone else up. We got soaked walking to Woolies because it decided to rain very heavily on us and thought hey, lets make this better and add in some violent winds! T_T

In the end we did arrive safe and sound and went to buy food. We got bananas (M likes them long and firm LOL), chocolates and Tim Tams, cheese and frozen veges for our baked fried rice.

We walked back to my place and the rain had stopped -_-

A while later Marweechi arrived and we could finally start to play Risk, which is by far the best board game ever and Kebu should always bring it with him everywhere.

Kebu explaining rules.





Asian domination!! I (then Jinboi) were the Japs who were slowly taking over the world before we got backstabbed by the Greenlandish elves!! WE WERE THE GODLY WAKM! MARIA YOU BETRAYED US!!!



I don't remember this being taken...sneaky Midori.



Jin was cooking the fried rice and when we left I swooped in and added more salt, soy sauce and chicken bouillon >_>



It didn't taste so bad :O M was starving and greedily grabbed the first bowl.


Melted cheese...


Japanese domination!! We're taking over the Middle East and Africa!



But then the once pacifistic Greenlandish elves started to multiply, and led by Santa Claus, attacked the Japanese through Alaska and started taking over DDDDDDDD:


Anyway Kebu and the Australians went down first after D took revenge on him for taking South America and half of Africa, meanwhile decimating most of our southern territories. D was sad about losing Madagascar.

After Risk we had chocolate fondue with bananas and marshmallows. Sweet!


And we kinda just hung out in my room playing card games like Mafia and Murderer before we urged Jin to open his "sex-in-a-box".


Kebu had wanted to give everyone a Pandora's box effect with orgasms instead.

*raises eyebrows*

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