What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

Feel free to leave a comment!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Living It, Now

Listening to: With Me - Sum 41 (LOVE THIIISSS)
Reading: Persuasion - Jane Austen, ABB.
Wants: Isabelle Brown(?) Mary Janes.

Remember my New Year's resolutions?

1. Lose weight.
Already lost 3kg, hopefully will keep dropping. Those truffles and cheeses are going straight to your thighs, Serena.

2. Work harder and get distinctions.
Still getting phases of laziness and un-motivation, but bordering distinction. Just not quite yet.
Can I get an ovation for my 10/10 quiz and 15/20-one-of-the-better-marks essay?!

3. Take up cleaning and organising.
Little diary is being neglected lately. What happened to week 6?

4. Improve health.
I wasn't aware I had health problems. Will get blood tested...eventually. Would someone tell me what I should do and how I can do that? That reminds me, I should donate my overrated, sweet O type blood.

5. Get a job.
I have one...I must've been high on garlic baked oysters when I thought of this one. They gave me indigestion and vomiting.

6. Invest in makeup art =)
This is so bad for me, should this even be here?
$600 and counting...one two three.

7. Take daily medication properly.
That means fish oil pills, vitamins, etc. Whoops. That was supposed to be a daily thing?

It's relieving to see that some of your resolutions, the ones you made while drunk/partying/high on holiday spirit, are doing their part in your life this year. The fact is, most people forget the fundamental reasons for everything.

What am I in uni for? Why didn't I just go to TAFE? I wanted to prove myself. Am I proving myself? Not really, but I'm trying to make a good impression on teachers. I never thought about the student body itself to be any trouble. Why am I really here? I want to do this.

So why aren't you working your arse off?

It is so hard to remember those outlandish proclamations you made weeks/months/years ago. Shouldn't I not worry about my social and campus life, and just focus on my purpose here instead?

I need these constant reminders as the ladder that extends into the ditch I keep falling in to.

On another note, I am discarding my chastity (no, not that!) and leaning towards a new image - retro, glamorous and unexpected. Gothic lolita, burlesque and preppy. As much as I like it, I hate being stereotyped as the typical Asian. It doesn't help when I wear glasses everyday, even if they are fabulous frames. (I still get compliments on them :D! Best fashion decision, ever). But I am neither quiet, intelligent or sweet/nice.

I'm afraid to pull it off. Really, I am.

I shall start with burlesque dance, inspiration drawn from So You Think You Can Dance? Australia and Dita von Teese. Saturday, 2pm in the city.

I'm nervous. This is way out of my petite league.

Will I even do it? I always want things, but not want them enough to take any action.

Will I fail myself, and my resolution, to reform myself into an ideal person?

I am still all talk and passion. Some people call it bullshitting oneself.

I should add a new resolution: Give up retail therapy.


` xoxo, Serena

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