What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

Feel free to leave a comment!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Yeh yeh I am aware that I stopped blogging about Gold Coast, all photos are found in webshots anyway so hope they just rejog memory...

Currently some stuff on my mind/that's been happening/has been driving me crazy/making me bored

1. I am documenting EVERY morsel of food I eat. This includes foods, snacks, oil used in cooking, salt, water i drink etc. Including cooking method, leftovers, brand of food etc. It is driving me up the wall and it's only the first day. I consumed today about 2kg of food! I'll update you guys on a further anaylsis of my diet later.

2. I have a tutu muahahaha. My obsession with tutus started with this beautiful blogger Song of Style. Her pretty pink tutu from a halloween shop made me want a tutu so much! I wish my mum sent me to ballet lessons when I was little. Anyway after that I saw tutus everywhere... At first on manniquins then on people more and more... So much so that I saw at least 1 tutu a day. My Crush realising how much I wanted one but was too afriad to buy one bought a black tutu for me. He went to search for one for me! Even coping some remarks such as "Do you need it for the mardi gras?" I have only worn it once so far but I shall wear it on Saturday girls!!

3. My nutrition subjects this semester are so boring!! We're looking at ways to design questionaires to sample people and ways to assess people's nutrition. YAWN.

4. I actively participated today in class discussion and I gave very good comments yay

5. I love this cool weather change I can wear my boots!

6. Anyone else hearing the roar of those Black Hawk army choppers flying super low in the sky? They're annoying the hell out of me.

7. I miss seeing marweechi =(

8. I want to eat something... but then I gotta weigh it....

9. My crush made me waffles from scratch and we ate it with lots of icecream and honey and chocolate topping in the middle of the afternoon. Yums. He makes me smile crazy by myself on the train. It's a bit ridiculous considering I have to pretend something funny was playing on my iPod.

10. I am going to get that thing to eat now.


Serena said...

I did ballet lessons when I was a kid and have a tutu, a real one that was pink and everything. It's gone now since I quit and never got to wear it plus prob too small for me now.

You sound completely uh, what's the word, MUSHY. Lovesick. Puppy love. Blech xP

Midori said...

what do you eman only 2/10 stuff was about him!! *divert eyes*