What the hell is a flying green song-rabbit?!

Grongbit (GReen sONG rabBIT) is the result of our nicknames combined. "Our" meaning the three founding authors. The flying comes from our guest-turned-permanent blogger, Butterfly Coffin.

And yes, rabbits can too fly, sing and be green.

Feel free to leave a comment!

Friday, March 7, 2008

First Week of Uni

Kebu here.

I originally wanted to be Cornflakes, but the other two decided to resurrect a past incarnation of me: that of a snake cunningly disguised as a rabbit. RWAR! Not that either snakes or rabbits actually roar... ._.;;

What's that? They DO roar?!


SO! Back to stuff about uni life so far. All I can say now is that I'm bloody tired of getting up early in the morning because I'm used to getting up at 8. In fact, it's probably past my bedtime D:

BAH! My new bag is too small for most days. Actually, it's too small for almost all days, but almost all is still most, right? Right! : D

You can probably tell that I'm new to blogging already. X3

What else is there?

Ah, yes, how could I have ever forgotten?


[Wednesday, 5th March, 2008, 3:15PM, Level 6, Brennan McCallum Building.]

Kebu, bored with three hours to kill before the inaugural Annual Arty Smarty Trivia Night hosted by Adam Spencer, accompanies "a friend, a female friend" to the office of Derek Herforth, a white man who teaches classical Chinese and speaks both Mandarin and Cantonese, so that she may consult him on whether she can transfer to a different unit of study, as she found her (then) current class too "slow". (Although I do not really remember for sure whether she used those words, as I was at Manning later that day getting completely hammered. Just kidding, I'm innocent... I SWEAR! Dx) While there, Kebu meets two edumacatees (students, in your common tongue, or -scoff- "plain English" as you like to call it), who he will refer to as Girl R and Girl S. The following dialogue begins mid-way through the conversation.

Girl R: So do you have a girlfriend?

Kebu: No... I'm gay.

Girl R and Girl S in unison: REALLY?!

Kebu: Er... Yeah...

Girl R and Girl S: THAT'S SO COOL! we've always wanted a gay friend.

Girl R: High five!

[Kebu inches away.]

Girl S: You're scaring him!


[Wednesday, 5th March, 2008, 7:25PM, Victoria Park.]

Kebu, being the considerate man-boy he is, walks Girl A to Central Station so she does not becoming the victim of physical assault by imagined assailants in Redfern.

Girl A: So do you have a girlfriend?

Kebu: No...

Girl A: Are you looking for one?

Kebu: No... I'm gay...


Kebu: Really, it's not that great... It's not a good thing.

Girl A: It's not that bad!

Kebu: Well my choices in life are limited. I mean, what if I wanted kids?

Girl A: Oh yeah... I have a gay friend. Want me to introduce him to you? Like... y'know?

Kebu: What? No! If anything goes wrong, we'll end up blaming you and then you screw up two friendships!

Girl A: Ooh! I don't want that! Hey, you know... I'm a lesbian!

Kebu: Er... Really?

Girl A: Yeah, I know, right? I mean I'm really girly and all..

Kebu: Uhuh...

Girl A: I'm just kidding...

Kebu thinks: ... WTF?

What else was there? Ah, yes. Why do my textbooks cost a total of $574.05? I didn't even have to buy anything for philosophy! Dx

Bah, Kebu needs sleep.


Kebu. Out.


Midori said...

I hate those broads already =p

` Serena

Midori said...

Don't say that!

This is why we can't have friends over! Dx

-Kebu pouts-